5/16: Pre-K 4 Celebration
5/20: 5th Grade Banquet
5/21: Last Day of School, Tawny Owl and Spotted Owl Optional Care available through Friday, 5/24
5/27: Memorial Day
5/28: Summer Program Begins
Lower School Highlights
Though other programs may be ending, Lower School hasn’t given up on education just yet! Students participated in active observations in Science, examining the effects of oil on water, and experimented with the best ways to make their own bubbles. Children also worked on their Muffins for Mom project, showed off their creativity with Turtle Art, and spent the week learning about aquatic mammals. Practice continued for the End of the Year Showcase performance- complete with songs and dances- and students also spent time each day caring for the flowers and foliage we planted on Earth Day.
Upper School Highlights
As another school year winds to a close, our Upper School students dedicated their time to working on their final Project-Based Learning unit of the year. We’ve already seen students developing some impressive ideas for tackling world problems, and we’re excited to see their final products. We’re also excited to see the entries our students come up with for our annual poetry competition. Finally, MAP tests were completed for Elementary students, while classes spent time reviewing material from this year, and previewing what students may expect in the year to come.
Megan Case
In the Spring of 2021, Megan Case joined the Collage team, and since then, her dedication and enthusiasm have been unwavering. Asked to share how she feels about her position at CDS, she’s quick to point out, “People who work in VPK are kind of a unique breed- there’s a certain type of character you have to have, where you’re just meant to work with the littles, and I don’t think it’s something you can teach.” As an assistant Behavior Analyst, and a mother herself, Megan has spent much of her adult life working with children. This year, she emphasizes, she was lucky to work with such a strong classroom partner, and such an amazing group of kids. “They had a huge year, development wise, in a lot of ways, ” she says. “From expressing their feelings to controlling their emotions and deepening their friendships- I really feel like a lot of them took huge steps in growing up this year.” Structure and organization come naturally to Megan- characteristics she attributes to her time spent away from work, raising her own children. “There’s such a team atmosphere to the staff here”, she acknowledges. “We each add a valuable piece to the team, and we all function better because of it.” We thank you for the quality and consistency of your work, Megan- you shine a bright light on our school staff and make us proud to have you.

Summer Camp 2024
Preparations are well underway for Collage’s 2024 Summer Camp, and we’re proud to announce new and exciting expansions to our program. For our youngest, Preschool-aged campers, Camp Collage and TimberNook will be filled with outdoor crafts and activities, as well as weekly on-site field trips with a new theme each week!
For our campers aged 5 and up, along with participation in Camp Collage and TimberNook, new mini-camp choices will be offered, including:
Ballet and Contemporary Dance
Horsin’ Around
Princess Ballet
In My Summer Era
Track and Field
Color Theory and Art Exploration
Culinary Connoisseurs
Kids Eye View
Marine Biology
Flag Football
Watercolor Exploration
We can’t wait to see what amazing things our campers create this summer, and we hope to see you all there!
For direct questions, reach out to Tiffany Clark, at clark@collagedayschool.org
Curriculum Corner: Poetry Contest
To satisfy the Florida poetry standard, this week, students are learning about the elements and types of poetry. Students have been exposed to free verse, haiku, limerick, and acrostic poems. To showcase our learning, kindergarten through 5th-grade students will participate in our annual poetry contest. Each grade’s winner will be awarded a gift card and a trophy! The winning poems will be posted in the hallway of building one next week for the final week of school!
We’re excited to announce that Ms. Griffith’s class is researching the impact of poverty on children and the key challenges they face. Therefore, we are holding an end-of-the-year donation drive. This drive will support Family Support Services, a child welfare agency in Jacksonville. This is a great opportunity for our classrooms to come together and make a positive impact while having some fun! Join us in spreading joy to children and families in need! Your donation can make a big difference in someone’s life. Join our donation drive and make an impact today. Competition Details: Dates: 5/8/2024 to 5/20/2025 Objective: Each classroom will compete to gather the most donations. Prizes: The winning classroom (with the most donations) will earn a special party with their choice of donuts, pizza, or ice cream! |

For May Project-Based Learning, second graders researched animal homelessness around the world. Students wanted to make flyers to raise awareness, and offer solutions for people to help animals in need.


For many children, managing the social world day in and day out eventually presents challenges. Some children may struggle with social flexibility, or sudden frustration, or wanting to engage but just struggling to figure out how. Mandala Family Wellness is proud to offer a group designed to improve children’s confidence, fluidity, and excitement about making and maintaining friendships. Guided by Mandala therapists, children will learn highly effective and applicable social skills to improve their navigation of relationships and bolster their self-esteem.
** Social skills group is now open to 3, 4, and 5-year-olds with our "Little Leaders" program.
To sign up, contact Sierra Sternberg at: sternberg@mandalafamilywellness.com
Staying Healthy with Nurse Chelsea
Keeping Kids Healthy Over the Summer
Keeping kids healthy over the summer involves a blend of physical activity, nutritious eating, and maintaining good habits. By incorporating these tips into their summer routine, you can help ensure that kids stay healthy, active, and happy throughout the summer months.
Stay Active: Encourage outdoor play, sports, swimming, or even just walks in the park. Limit screen time to ensure they’re moving their bodies regularly.
Hydration: With warmer weather, it’s essential to stay hydrated. Encourage drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially if they’re engaged in physical activities.
Sun Protection: Use sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays when spending time outdoors. Hats and sunglasses can also provide additional protection.
Healthy Eating: Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Encourage kids to participate in meal planning and preparation to teach them about healthy food choices.
Limit Sugary Drinks and Snacks: Sugary drinks and snacks can contribute to weight gain and dental problems. Opt for water, milk, or unsweetened beverages, and offer healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, yogurt, or nuts.
Sleep Schedule: Ensure kids are getting enough sleep. Consistent sleep schedules are vital for their overall health and well-being.
Safety First: Teach kids about safety measures, whether they’re playing outdoors, swimming, or biking. Emphasize the importance of wearing helmets, following traffic rules, and staying in safe areas.
Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with the pediatrician, especially before the start of summer activities. This ensures any health issues are addressed early on.
Mental Health: Encourage open communication about emotions and stressors. Provide opportunities for relaxation, mindfulness, and creative expression to support their mental well-being.
Bug Protection: Protect against insect bites by using insect repellent when spending time outdoors, especially in wooded areas.
Stay Cool: Help kids stay cool during hot days by providing access to air-conditioned spaces or using fans. Dress them in lightweight, breathable clothing.
Stay Engaged: Keep kids engaged in learning activities to prevent the “summer slide.” This could include reading, educational games, or visits to museums or libraries.
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