“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” — Margaret Fuller
Make Reading Month into a reading habit! Here are some new books to explore!

"Butterfly on the Wind" by Adam Pottle & Ziyue Chen
This beautiful and imaginative picture book is written and illustrated by Deaf creators and depicts the experiences of a Deaf child living with a hearing family."

"Was it a Cat I Saw?" by Laura Bontje & Emma Lidia Squillari
Young word smiths will love this exuberant celebration of palindromes. All the palindromes in the picture book are in bold. It’s a super fun read-aloud with sweet illustrations.

"Mama’s Library Summers" by Melvina Noel & Daria Peoples
This picture book is based on the author’s experiences growing up in the 1960s, visiting the library with her sister. It’s a joyful homage to the power of books and reading and early literacy accompanied by warm, collage-like illustrations.
Curriculum Corner: Thank You!!
We had an amazing turn out for International Day. Our teachers and parents went above and beyond to turn our classrooms into living, cultural works of art. Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, their efforts, and their openness to creating something unique for our festival. We hope everyone had a blast, and we already can’t wait to see what you bring to next year’s International Day!
Summer Camp 2024
Preparations are well underway for Collage’s 2024 Summer Camp, and we’re proud to announce new and exciting expansions to our program. For our youngest, Preschool-aged campers, Camp Collage and TimberNook will be filled with outdoor crafts and activities, as well as weekly on-site field trips with a new theme each week!
For our campers aged 5 and up, along with participation in Camp Collage and TimberNook, new mini-camp choices will be offered, including:
Ballet and Contemporary Dance
Horsin’ Around
Princess Ballet
In My Summer Era
Track and Field
Color Theory and Art Exploration
Culinary Connoisseurs
Kids Eye View
Marine Biology
Flag Football
Watercolor Exploration
We can’t wait to see what amazing things our campers create this summer, and we hope to see you all there!
For direct questions, reach out to Tiffany Clark, at clark@collagedayschool.org
Collage Day School Talent Show!

For many children, managing the social world day in and day out eventually presents challenges. Some children may struggle with social flexibility, or sudden frustration, or wanting to engage but just struggling to figure out how. Mandala Family Wellness is proud to offer a group designed to improve children’s confidence, fluidity, and excitement about making and maintaining friendships. Guided by Mandala therapists, children will learn highly effective and applicable social skills to improve their navigation of relationships and bolster their self-esteem.
** Social skills group is now open to 3, 4, and 5-year-olds with our "Little Leaders" program.
To sign up, contact Sierra Sternberg at: sternberg@mandalafamilywellness.com
Staying Healthy with Nurse Chelsea

International Wellness
Here are some fun facts about different countries and some unique health tips they employ for wellness:
- Fun Fact: Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with a large population of centenarians.
- Health Tip: The Japanese practice “shinrin-yoku” or forest bathing, which involves immersing oneself in nature for its therapeutic effects. It’s believed to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system.
- Fun Fact: Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is now practiced worldwide for its physical and mental health benefits.
- Health Tip: Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, emphasizes the importance of balancing mind, body, and spirit through practices like herbal medicine, yoga, and meditation.
- Fun Fact: Italy is famous for its Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and fish, and is associated with lower rates of heart disease and longer life expectancy.
- Health Tip: Italians often enjoy a small serving of wine with meals, which contains antioxidants and may have cardiovascular benefits when consumed in moderation.
- Fun Fact: Brazil is known for its vibrant culture and love for outdoor activities, including beach volleyball and capoeira.
- Health Tip: Brazilians frequently consume “acai” berries, which are rich in antioxidants and believed to have various health benefits, including boosting energy levels and improving digestion.
- Fun Fact: Greece is home to the concept of “kefi,” which roughly translates to a sense of joy, fun, and exuberance for life.
- Health Tip: Greeks often incorporate a variety of herbs and spices into their cooking, such as oregano, rosemary, and cinnamon, which not only add flavor but also provide antioxidants and other health benefits.
- Fun Fact: Sweden promotes an active lifestyle, with many people participating in outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and cycling, regardless of the weather.
- Health Tip: Swedes embrace the concept of “fika,” which involves taking regular coffee breaks with friends or colleagues, promoting social connection and relaxation.
South Korea:
- Fun Fact: South Korea has a strong emphasis on skincare and is known for its innovative beauty products and routines.
- Health Tip: Koreans often enjoy “kimchi,” a traditional fermented vegetable dish, with meals. Kimchi is rich in probiotics and fiber, which promote gut health and digestion.
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