1/31-2/2: Collage Day School Spring Pictures
2/9: Chinese New Year Celebration
2/19: School CLOSED for 3-year-olds through Upper School (President's Day)
2/29: Lower School Winter Olympics
2/29: Upper School PBL Exhibit: Hall of Fame Living Museum
As warmer days start sprinkling into the Winter weeks, Collage’s Early Learning Community is learning about how the environment affects our bodies. Lessons also include the importance of hygiene, and understanding what makes something clean or dirty. Students also learned about how and why our country celebrates Groundhog Day, worked on Valentine’s boxes to collect and bring home items from their classmates, and explored the ideas of shadows and transparency in Science.
A Note From Kris
Starting With the Basics
Before children can read, they must have early literacy skills, which form the foundation for reading and writing. Below are some suggestions for families and caregivers to help children build those early literacy skills:
- Have frequent “rich” conversations with your child. For instance, when you are out and about and notice a caterpillar, ask your child, “Why do you think the caterpillar is eating leaves?”
- Sing children’s songs together
- Read children’s stories everyday
- Ask your child to retell a story
- Play rhyming games such as what rhymes with cat? What rhymes with hot?
- Point out street signs and letters when driving or walking with your child
- Play word games such as what does a cow say? What does a chicken say?
- Ask purposeful questions when reading a story
- Use play dough to create letters (S for sssssnake)
Weekly Updates
In our Upper School, students were hard at work finishing up MAP testing (MAP reports will be coming home Friday). Throughout the week, students experimented with the causes and effects of magnetism in science, and learned about the work and contributions of Romare Bearden. In our Afterschool Enrichment classes, students could be found creating stained glass windows and designing and constructing their own model playgrounds.
Curriculum Corner: PBL
We are excited for our upcoming Project-Based Learning theme: “Which Americans Throughout History Have Impacted Our Country?” All throughout the month of February, students will learn about the impacts of Black Americans and past U.S. presidents on our country. To wrap up this exciting unit, we will host a “Hall of Fame Living Muesum” on February 29th. To enhance this event and bring it alive, students will dress as a person from their unit of study, and present the life and accomplishments of the individual they’ve studied. Students will proudly present to their peers and parents,
So mark your calendar for February 29th!
For many children, managing the social world day in and day out eventually presents challenges. Some children may struggle with social flexibility, or sudden frustration, or wanting to engage but just struggling to figure out how. Mandala Family Wellness is proud to offer a group designed to improve children’s confidence, fluidity, and excitement about making and maintaining friendships. Guided by Mandala therapists, children will learn highly effective and applicable social skills to improve their navigation of relationships and bolster their self-esteem.
** Social skills group is now open to 3, 4, and 5-year-olds with our "Little Leaders" program.
To sign up, contact Sierra Sternberg at: sternberg@mandalafamilywellness.com
Staying Healthy with Nurse Chelsea
Ear Infections – Yikes!

Ear infections, often caused by bacteria or viruses, are common in children. Symptoms may include ear pain, difficulty hearing, and sometimes fever. If you suspect an ear infection in your child:
- Consult a Doctor: Seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections.
- Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers (following the doctor’s recommendations) can help alleviate discomfort.
- Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to the affected ear may provide relief from pain.
- Keep the Ear Dry: Avoid exposing the ear to excess moisture. Use earplugs or a cotton ball during baths if advised by the doctor.
- Follow Medication Instructions: If antibiotics are prescribed, ensure your child completes the full course, even if symptoms improve.
- Comfort Measures: Comfort your child and provide a soothing environment. Elevating the head during sleep might help with drainage.
- Monitor for Complications: Keep an eye out for worsening symptoms or signs of complications, such as fluid draining from the ear canal. Seek prompt medical attention if so.
Always follow the guidance of healthcare professionals for the best care tailored to your child’s condition.